This post will have no pics. I just wanted to share that I just went through an earthquake. Part of me thinks the news is making more out of it than necessary like they usually do but then the other part of me realizes earthquakes really terrify some people and they need to hear the news to give them a sense of peace that all is well. Still, I've been watching the news for 2 hrs now and there's nothing really to report. There is one building, a really old building where some bricks fell covering the alley. There is one broken water main and a couple of stores where things fell off the shelves. They've been showing that for 2 hrs. now. Me thinks sometimes the news makes way too much of things and sometimes they just need to turn off and do little updates during the day.
I've lived in and around the Los Angeles area my whole life. I used to be terrified of them and remember as kids running into my parents' room and diving into their bed if an earthquake hit. I remember when the 6.5 hit in 1971, the Sylmar quake. The aftershocks were many and not that small. I swear I felt every one. I was in jr. high and I was terrified. I'm not that scared any more. Most times when we get the little ones my eyes get a little big and I sit and wait to see if it's just a small one or if it will turn into a big one.
This one shook hard a couple of times and then did some serious rolling that to me, was worse than the initial shakes. I think that was the worst rolling earthquake I've felt. I think this was the first time I literally saw the inside of my house moving. So, though I'm not afraid of earthquakes and I'm terrified like I used to be as a kid, I DON'T want to experience this on a bigger scale like the "big one" they're talking about and I DON'T want to be in downtown L.A. if/when the big one hits. All I picture is being stuck downtown because the streets are full of glass from the tall buildings. I want to be home.
Still, I think I'd rather deal with the occasional earthquakes and maybe even "the big one" than to deal with tornados every year that cause major damage, every year.
Okay, that's my earthquake news and my way to vent about what I've experienced today. If you've read this, thanks for reading. :-) And despite all you may hear about how many aftershocks we've experienced, it's much ado about nothing because not one of them has even made my candle holders hanging from the ceiling even sway. No one has felt the aftershocks and the news, once again, making more of it than I think is necessary, scaring folks already freaked out by what happened today.
Y'all be safe no matter where you are and what you're doing.