Wednesday, April 30, 2008



I went to the Arboretum today. 468 photos. I think I should have called this blog Picture Taking Fool. I got so many great shots. How do I even narrow down which few I will post? I'll try. I'll start with the peacocks. Before I could even get to the front of the building there was a peacock there strutting it's stuff and a bunch of snaggle toothed kids in awe of it.

These last two pictures are of the female peacock. I'd almost forgotten that the females didn't look like the male peacocks.

Friday, April 25, 2008

TODAY'S PHOTOS - 04/25/08

Back at Bonelli Park today. It's such a huge place and this is the first time I've really explored so much of it. I found a really quite place, a little alcove...well, it wasn't so little. The further away from the lake I found a few people who seemed to be bird watching. It was such a beautiful day...

Friday, April 18, 2008

Today's Photos - April 18, 2008

Father in heaven, I trust that You are willing and able to make a way where there seems to be no way in my life. Fill me with Your peace and faith and give me a vision for all You have for me. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. - Joel Olsteen

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Bird's Nest Update

I finally got a chance to take a picture of mommy hummingbird sitting on top of the nest I posted about a short while ago. It's funny, I can always hear when she comes to feed the babies. Hummingbirds make such a distinctive sound because of the fast fluttering of their wings. Because the nest is just outside my greenhouse window I can hear her through the open window.

I've tried to get pictures before but she's always rushed off the minute she even saw me. Yesterday she actually sat still for quite a while but still didn't let me get too close before she took off. So, since she took off I tried to get another shot inside the nest and I haven't got a clue what I'm looking at. I didn't see the baby birds heads but did see what looked like feathers. Maybe you can tell what this is. I'm hoping because she was sitting on the nest that they were just down really low in the nest.

I'll just have to take another look later today and see....

Today's Photos - April 15, 2008

Father in heaven, today I choose to put my trust in You. I know You are a good and faithful God, and I trust that You have my best interest at heart. Help me stay focused on Your goodness today. In Jesus’ Name. Amen. - Joel Olsteen Prayer

Friday, April 11, 2008



Down at the pier in Redondo Beach you can just about get all of the sea food you want. Seeing these crabs all crammed in the tanks was a bit of a turn off to me. Poor crabs.