In turn I'll pass this on to a few blogs that never cease to amaze me, inspire me and always make me want to grab my camera and run out of the door to take more.
BN Sullivan Photography
Sandpiper's Place
The Right Blue
A Focus In The Wild
No pressure to pass this along but if you'd like to:
Tagging Rules -
1. Add a link to the person that awarded you
2. Nominate at least five other blogs
3. Add links to them on your blog
4. Put the logo on your blog
5. Leave a message for your nominee on their blogs
You're so welcome...the pleasure's mine...and whoever else visits you :-) Off to check out your honorees. I know Klaus and The Right Blue, but am curious about the others.
Oops...I left out that I also know Sandpiper's Place. Wouldn't want her to think otherwise!!
Thank you so very much! what a wonderful honor. I also smiled and that is great! I will get the award posted on my blog as soon as I can figure out how to put them in the new format.. thanks so much I am honored to be grouped with such wonderful bloggers as you and the others..
congratulations on winning the well deserved award!
Congratulations and a thank you!
I will post mine on my Awards page! :) It is very much appreciated!
Cheers, Klaus
Congratulations on your award. It is so well deserved for the wonderful blog you have created. Thank you for passing it on to me. I'll will put it on my Awards page with pride. I'm sorry to be slow in responding. I'm taking a little break from blogging to unwind, regroup, and reload after a pretty good crash and burn. LOL I hope you are well. I miss everyone, but this break is really necessary for me. xxx
June - I hope you enjoy the other blogs as much as I do! :-)
Stacey - You're welcome! Thank you for your blog. :-)
Magiceye - Thank you!
Klaus - You're welcome! Thank you for sharing your awesome work.
Sandpiper - You're welcome and thank you! Don't worry about responding. We all need a break once in a while. :-)
Thank you for passing the award to two of my blogs!! I'm touched. Sorry for coming here so late to thank you, but I did thank you on my blog.
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